Sunday, May 10, 2009

Father Sergei Ryzhkov

Location: Siberia, The Holt Russian Empire

Father Ryzhkov was scary, just simple creepy. At first he seemed like a nice guy, but wow. Sorry, Anyways, he stared by explaining how high his division was. The main problem was that when a soldier was bitten, which happened all the time because of weapon's jams, who would shoot him. At first it was the leaders job, but that changed when every leader started committing suicide. So the bitten ended up gathering into a group then shooting them selves in unison, until one day(this is where it got creepy). His job was to take any letters from the newly infected, and to give them a blessing, but one day right when they were about to fire he shot one. He said he did this because you can't get to heaven when you commit suicide. Now I do know it was almost a selfless thing of him to do this, but to me it got out of hand when it became a movement for a holy man to kill the infected, they even named it "Final Purification".

Oh, I almost forgot, Terry Knox, the Australian astronaut, passed away yesterday. I was informed today, so if their is any religious folk reading this, please keep him in your prayers, Thanks.

1 comment:

Timmy Mourikes said...

I agree that father Ryzhov was pretty creepy. He was a weird man. I think you can go to heavn if you commit suicide because God is very forgiving and he will bring you up to heaven.I feel very bad for Terry Knox. I will pray for him.