Thursday, May 7, 2009

Todd Wainio

Location: Denver, Colorado, USA

Today I got to visit with my good friend Todd Wianio. I was extremely happy when he called me and asked if I wanted to have dinner at his house. After dinner Todd asked if I wanted to hear about taking back the home front, and, of course, I said yes. I did know some about the taking back of the mid to eastern part of the United States, but I wanted to hear the story of a soldier. The weapon the soldier was equipped with was a SIR, standard infantry rifle, an auto/semiautomatic assault rifle which looked close to an AK 47 or XM8. They wore a Kevlar BDU, and trench shovel was sharpened to help with any close encounters, he said it looked like it was out of Lord of the Rings. The thing that really amazed me the most was that after the battle he was surrounded by zombies, dead ones, although I guess they are dead so brainless zombies. He said it looked like a wall around of bodies and that when they left they had to have the humvees plow a path out. Before I left for home he gave me a picture he drew of his SIR.

1 comment:

Christian Schroeder said...

I agree, that was an amazing story he told. It must have been a great challenge to take back the eastern half of the United States. Anyway, I just can't believe he escaped all those zombies alive.