Thursday, April 30, 2009

David Allen Forbes

Location: Province of Bohemia, The European Union

Today I interviewed David Forbes. He seemed overall shy and uncomfortable with our interview, almost like giving a speech in front of 1,000 people but he got through it. He started by giving me the reasons why a fortified place, like a castle, was the best for defending during the war. I did notice he wasn’t too excited, at first, to talk about his own story in the castle Winsdor. This could have been for many reasons, first he may have just been uncomfortable about it, and second it may have been since the castle held the Queen of England herself. I had known this from the beginning and was hoping he would have gone more into this but it seemed he was very hesitant on this matter of subject. David also explained how in his castle they used actual medieval weapons. This must have been one of the strangest defenses yet. He himself carried a Scottish claymore which he let me hold and take a quick snap-shot of before I left.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Colonel Christina Eliopolis

Location: Parnell Air National Guard Base, Tennessee

Col. Eliopolis was a Raptor driver, she gave me the story of how on one mission, she crashed in the southern area of Louisiana. Still today she doesn't know fully what caused the crash but in truth it really doesn't matter, to her all that mattered ,at that time, was to get out of there alive. Before I continue on the story she told me I wanted to explain something she showed me, it was a map of the Continental United States. The main reason I bring this up is because on the map ther were many different colors green, red, blue, purple, and of course gray. All these colors represent different zones. So going back to her story, once she landed she was contacted by a skywatcher, they were people who watched for crashes and would get the survivors to saftey or a LZ. So as you can guess she was rescued, since I talked to her, but the strange thing was the skywatcher. Her name was Mets Fan. Now before this interview I looked into what this was all about and the thing is that there never was a "Mets Fan", also they found out that when she hit the ground her radio broke. Along with that "Mets" is short for Metis, the mother of Athena, the goddess with stormy gray eyes. After this interview it was hard to believe ther was no "Mets Fan" but one thing I do know is that I am sure happy Col. Eliopolis thought there was, or I would have never heard her story.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Roy Elliot

Location: Malibu, California

I finally met Roy Elliot, the famous "curer" of ADS. I knew that before the war he was a famous director but now, well, none of that mattered. So Roy explained to me exactly what ADS was, and it's a syndrome where one falls asleep one night and never wake up, it's not because of wounds or reanimation but because of hope. It's like your mind just gives up and says there's no reason to exist so you don't, you die. Hearing this wasn't to much of a shock because I had heard of instances of this happening I was just never given the scientific name Asymptomatic Demise Syndrome, or ADS. Anyways, as most of us know, Roy is now famous for his footage on many battles, all of them, of course, of us winning. The first video he made was named Victory at Avalon:The Battle of the Five Colleges. Alone this movie saved 5 people from ADS in the first night, sense to him 100 died a day. Truly without Roy Elliot we might not be here today, not because of the undead killer, but the silent killer.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jesika Hendricks

Location: Sand Lake Provincial Wilderness Park, Manitoba, Canada

Jesika gave me the story of here survival as a young girl, she explained how here dad became the leader all of a sudden, and how here mom was more of the logical one even though in the end lost the argument of whether to stay or leave. So they headed north, overall I would agree this was probably the best thing for them to do since the higher north the less high populated areas were. The only probelm to me would be that there are no resources, she explained this was the problem she had also. One thing that interested me about her story was how much her family changed. One other thing is that she told the story in the point of veiw of her as a young child, even though she was, it gave me a new feeling to what a child went through since the only other child's point of view I have heard was Sharon in Kansas, and that was weird enough.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Todd Wainio

Location: Denver, Colorado, USA

Todd Wainio is a true Veteran of Yonkers. He even used the common military lingo for the undead, Zack and Gs. Todd gave me the detailed story of Yonkers, which was perfect, especially in the eye of a front line infantryman. Most of the opinions Todd gave me on what he thought the outcome of Yonkers was, made me even have a new opinion on the battle. One thing that sounded somewhat familar was that the only reason the undead were so successful was because of fear. Zombies have no fear, they just can't, and becuase of this it's like all the fear is burdened on the living, normal humans. Fear is the true reason the undead were victorious, not the numbers, strength, or endurence.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Breckinridge Scott

Location:Vostok Station, Antarctica

Today I met Mr. Scott, he was somewhat wise along with being extremely crude. He was the creator, or one of the creators, of the vaccine called Phalanx. The drug does cure rabies, the only problem was that people were lead to believe that becoming a zombie was getting African rabies. I say he was crude mainly because of the language he used, saying f-this, f-ing that, etc. He also made millions of dollars by giving misleading advertising for his vaccine. There are a few things though that I realized like that he created a vaccine for rabies, overall its a good accomplishment, but the timing and reasons for it were the true down side. One other thing I realized with this interview is something he said his history professor said, "fear is the most valuable commodity in the universe". This truly changed, in my sight, his reasoning for creating his scam, he created some hope in people.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Nury Televaldi

Location: Lhasa, The Peoples Republic of Tibet

Nury Televaldi was a somewhat quite person, even though we were yelling over the loud streets. He told me about how he transported and smuggled things to different countries. He wasn’t as talking as Kwang because I had to keep asking him new questions. Nury did give me many stories he had experienced from his career, one was of a man and his wife who were trying to get to the west but the husband was bitten and when they arrived in the hotel room he started having the mid range symptoms. When I heard this I almost wanted to yell even louder at Nury because of the greed he had, he was probably the reason there was so many outbreaks in different places! Then when I asked him about how there were rumors that his organization was spreading propaganda that there was a cure in the west. He made a easily visible hesitation when I asked this, immediately I knew he was lying.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kwang Jingshu

Location:Greater Chongqing, United Federation of China

Earlier today I met Kwang Jignshu, he was a doctor and although he had survived the war he choose to tell me about one of the first outbreaks he saw. he told me about a twelve year old boy who had already been infected and reanimated. The boy had also gone and infected seven other villagers. this really surprised me because this village somewhat knew how to deal with this kind of incident and they ended up losing 8 villagers. Doctor Kwang also told me about his career as a medic during battles with the Soviet Union. This truly showed me that he was a gifted doctor that was able to deal with any situation, but when he saw that young undead monster tare its limb off, which made him jump back out of fear, this shows how horrifying these monsters are.