Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jesika Hendricks

Location: Sand Lake Provincial Wilderness Park, Manitoba, Canada

Jesika gave me the story of here survival as a young girl, she explained how here dad became the leader all of a sudden, and how here mom was more of the logical one even though in the end lost the argument of whether to stay or leave. So they headed north, overall I would agree this was probably the best thing for them to do since the higher north the less high populated areas were. The only probelm to me would be that there are no resources, she explained this was the problem she had also. One thing that interested me about her story was how much her family changed. One other thing is that she told the story in the point of veiw of her as a young child, even though she was, it gave me a new feeling to what a child went through since the only other child's point of view I have heard was Sharon in Kansas, and that was weird enough.

1 comment:

Jordan Melick said...

I would agree with your very last statement that the interview with Sharon was very weird indeed. Overall, I would agree with all your statements. However, I disagree with one statement you have. There were recourses up north at first. As more and more people came up is when there were almost no recourses, so I would say that you need to add some more to the statement to make it accurate.