Friday, April 17, 2009

Nury Televaldi

Location: Lhasa, The Peoples Republic of Tibet

Nury Televaldi was a somewhat quite person, even though we were yelling over the loud streets. He told me about how he transported and smuggled things to different countries. He wasn’t as talking as Kwang because I had to keep asking him new questions. Nury did give me many stories he had experienced from his career, one was of a man and his wife who were trying to get to the west but the husband was bitten and when they arrived in the hotel room he started having the mid range symptoms. When I heard this I almost wanted to yell even louder at Nury because of the greed he had, he was probably the reason there was so many outbreaks in different places! Then when I asked him about how there were rumors that his organization was spreading propaganda that there was a cure in the west. He made a easily visible hesitation when I asked this, immediately I knew he was lying.


Zombie Expert said...

I agree that Nury was a lying thief and a criminal, If the Chinese Government were smart, and not corrupt, they would have arreested men like that in the very beggining and prevented many more outbreaks. If people like Nury were smart they would have stopped there smugling for the sake of humanity. Nury should still be arrested with heavy charges today.

Scott Soethe said...

I agree that Nury was a greedy thief and a crook. If the Chinese were smart, and not corrupt, they would have arrested people like him in the beggining and prevented a lot more outbreaks in the world. If Nury were smart he would have stopped the smugling and encouraged his comrades to stop as well just for the sake of humanity. Nury should be in a prison to this day with heavy criminal charges