Monday, April 27, 2009

Colonel Christina Eliopolis

Location: Parnell Air National Guard Base, Tennessee

Col. Eliopolis was a Raptor driver, she gave me the story of how on one mission, she crashed in the southern area of Louisiana. Still today she doesn't know fully what caused the crash but in truth it really doesn't matter, to her all that mattered ,at that time, was to get out of there alive. Before I continue on the story she told me I wanted to explain something she showed me, it was a map of the Continental United States. The main reason I bring this up is because on the map ther were many different colors green, red, blue, purple, and of course gray. All these colors represent different zones. So going back to her story, once she landed she was contacted by a skywatcher, they were people who watched for crashes and would get the survivors to saftey or a LZ. So as you can guess she was rescued, since I talked to her, but the strange thing was the skywatcher. Her name was Mets Fan. Now before this interview I looked into what this was all about and the thing is that there never was a "Mets Fan", also they found out that when she hit the ground her radio broke. Along with that "Mets" is short for Metis, the mother of Athena, the goddess with stormy gray eyes. After this interview it was hard to believe ther was no "Mets Fan" but one thing I do know is that I am sure happy Col. Eliopolis thought there was, or I would have never heard her story.

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