Thursday, April 16, 2009

Kwang Jingshu

Location:Greater Chongqing, United Federation of China

Earlier today I met Kwang Jignshu, he was a doctor and although he had survived the war he choose to tell me about one of the first outbreaks he saw. he told me about a twelve year old boy who had already been infected and reanimated. The boy had also gone and infected seven other villagers. this really surprised me because this village somewhat knew how to deal with this kind of incident and they ended up losing 8 villagers. Doctor Kwang also told me about his career as a medic during battles with the Soviet Union. This truly showed me that he was a gifted doctor that was able to deal with any situation, but when he saw that young undead monster tare its limb off, which made him jump back out of fear, this shows how horrifying these monsters are.

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